I love my Khangalands Is it’s chosen place Before you and I

The paisley design
The khorosho design
Reminiscent of the nut
Nature made it all
Before you and I

The intricate mandalas
Like the galaxy above
Planets and myriad stars
In orbit by the Divine
Before you and I

The joy of a dancing step
Sets off the colour divine
I am the Lord of the dance
The dance of angels divine
His grace thought it all
Before you and I

I beckon to My Lord
In humble appeal
To bless my heart
With infinite patience
That was there always
Before you and I

Magenta and pink meld
In Bandhani harmony
Fine feathers maketh
Not a beautiful bird
All praise is due to Him
Before you and I

Foliage circles
Circles and squares
Foliage and bird combine
Centre adorned by borders
Where the bird lands
Is it’s chosen place
Before you and I
The paisley design
The khorosho design
Reminiscent of the nut
Nature made it all
Before you and I

The intricate mandalas
Like the galaxy above
Planets and myriad stars
In orbit by the Divine
Before you and I

The joy of a dancing step
Sets off the colour divine
I am the Lord of the dance
The dance of angels divine
His grace thought it all
Before you and I

I beckon to My Lord
In humble appeal
To bless my heart
With infinite patience
That was there always
Before you and I

Magenta and pink meld
In Bandhani harmony
Fine feathers maketh
Not a beautiful bird
All praise is due to Him
Before you and I

Foliage circles
Circles and squares
Foliage and bird combine
Centre adorned by borders
Where the bird lands
Is it’s chosen place
Before you and I
The paisley design
The khorosho design
Reminiscent of the nut
Nature made it all
Before you and I

The intricate mandalas
Like the galaxy above
Planets and myriad stars
In orbit by the Divine
Before you and I

The joy of a dancing step
Sets off the colour divine
I am the Lord of the dance
The dance of angels divine
His grace thought it all
Before you and I

I beckon to My Lord
In humble appeal
To bless my heart
With infinite patience
That was there always
Before you and I

Magenta and pink meld
In Bandhani harmony
Fine feathers maketh
Not a beautiful bird
All praise is due to Him
Before you and I

Foliage circles
Circles and squares
Foliage and bird combine
Centre adorned by borders
Where the bird lands
Is it’s chosen place
Before you and I

4 thoughts on “

  1. The pinks and magentas as described by you take a divine turn compared to mandalas in the mind. Awesome flow of expression Shariffa Ji. Loved the vivid descriptive details of the khanga.


  2. The Flag of my heart
    By Kersi Minoo Rustomji
    Its beauty, its grace;
    it gently enfolds the curves
    and body shapes;
    as the wind presses it;
    against enchantment of the ladies;
    water dripping over their torsos;
    from their ndebe, tin, on head;
    filled at the well, with their neighbours;
    they meander their way home.
    And if you walked gently;
    and quietly behind them;
    the chatter;
    always full of;
    a lode of amorous adventures;
    of the blades in and around the huts;
    accompanied by laughter;
    as none were spared their silly antics;
    and love filled banters.


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